12/17/88 - 7/1/11
The beautiful young lady above is the youngest of our four children. On July first of this year Christiana Fesmire disappeared with no explanation. We spent the next few months in deep despair and in constant prayer. We received a call from the Lewiston, Maine police detective Roland Godbout in October, wanting to meet with us. It was then that we were informed that a man had been arrested and charged with her brutal murder. We know not why exactly, only that he was her neighbor and that they had not gotten along very well. Her remains have yet to be found.

Please forgive me for placing this tragedy before you in this otherwise positive look into an activity I have loved and enjoyed presenting to you. But I need to put my hobby in the back seat of my life for a while. I'm sure I will return to it someday so until then be patient. In the meantime, please say a prayer for our little one that her soul is at peace. We miss her immensely.
Update: This is to inform all those who have so considerately offered their condolences at our loss, that on Friday, November 16, 2012, Buddy Robinson was found guilty in the murder of our youngest child, Christiana. It does not do anything to comfort us in our loss but does provide us one more element of closure to this tragedy. Many thanks for the diligence of local and state law enforcement agencies and the Maine Attorney General's Office in the successful prosecution. Our only hope for Mr. Robinson is that he will share in our sorrow at his actions of July 1, 2011 and that it will permeate his daily thoughts as it does ours. He has not yet been sentenced and Christiana's remains are still not found.
Update: It's been over two years now since learning of the tragic fate of our little girl. The judicial system here in Maine is quite slow but finally today, sentencing was pronounced for our daughter's murderer, Buddy Robinson. Even today, Mr. Robinson offered no apologies for his actions and supplied the court with a ten minute rant on what a great guy he was. The judge, Justice Kennedy was not impressed with his speech and was actually annoyed at his inability to offer a reason or apology for what he did. It was for this reason that she decided to up the sentence that the District Attorney and defense attorney agreed upon of 40 years to 55 years. We are grateful for her ability to see clearly that just because Buddy Robinson seems to be a well mannered, polite young man, doesn't mean that there aren't well mannered, polite murderers walking the face of the earth. Our experience now with the courts, law enforcement and the media is now over and we look forward to revisiting Christiana in a positive, loving manner. May she live on in our memories and be happy wherever she may be.
['] Rest In Peace [']
God Bless her. She will will be in my prayers.
May she Rest in Peace
Chester -- your Christiana and I share the 12/17 birthday. I never met her, but I miss her. Prayers and warm thoughts to you here on Earth. Soft and safe to thee, Christiana, be thy eternal resting place, and glorious be thy rising from it on that Great Day.
Chester, From one Dad to another, I can only barely begin to imagine your pain in the loss of your daughter. Words alone can't begin to express the sorrow I feel for you and your family. Thanks for your post here, sharing with those online who follow your work, your struggle to discover your daughters fate. God Bless Christiana, and God's Speed in all you do. - Rod
I am very sorry to read this very sad news. No one can understand, or imagine, and no words can describe the pain and agony that you and your family are feeling. I can only tell you that this is heartbreaking for all of us who share your work and your thoughts in the 1/87th world. I would like you to know that we pray for your daughter and your family, and hope that you and your family can find solace in the memory of the wonderful times that Christina shared with you. Please accept my deepest condolence.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dear Chester & Family
I only can follow the words from Kai. My deepest condolences in these difficult times.
Wil Mulders, Havelock North.
New Zealand
I wish to you and your family be strong enough and go further with the help of God... It must be so painful that my words are to small, but please do not give up with your hobby, this might help.
Vasile, Romania
Nothing can comfort the crippling grief at the loss of your child. We lost our son Brad, in October.He died of a blood clot at 41 years.The pain remains alongside the sweet memories and the knowledge that God has welcomed our children into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Chester - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in the loss of your lovely daughter. She is truely beautiful and there will be a void in all lives she touched. I am a father of two daughters and a son. I can not even begin to imagine your loss and pain. I am just so saddened by this senseless taking of life. Surely it is a parents worst nightmare. May God and his only begotten son lift you all up and provide you love and comfort for your loss. He has plans for Christiana and called her home early (in our opinion) from this transitory life. May God Bless you all!! Chris
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Chuck Doan
Chester, My heart goes out to you and your family, I can say I honestly know your pain as I have also lost a child even though it was 10 years ago I still struggle. Your daughter Christina is a beautiful girl that should be enjoying life here on earth, rest assured she is in heaven watching over you.
As away of keeping her memory alive incorporate her name in some way in your layout, it may sound strange but this is how I've honored my son Eden. I named one of the towns after him (Eden Park).
Take care and may God Bless you and your family.
Greg Bruce
I just saw this, and am so very sorry. My sincerest condolences on your loss. Just horrible. My thoughts and prayer go out to you and your family.
Marc Reusser
I'm a Dad too, and like all the thers who left messages I can but only wish you my heart felt condolences.
I don't know quite what else to say...
Chester and family,
I was taking the time to go through your wonderful model blog and saw this entry. Though reading this shocked and saddened me deeply, I am glad that you took the time to put it here. I am honored to share the memory of your daughter that you presented.
I am glad that you are finally able to lay Christiana to rest in a proper grave. I hope that it helps her spirit and your family find some peace and resolution. She is no longer lost and can never be forgotten, her spirit is so strong it is still touching people around the world she never got to meet in person- Her light is so bright it is still shining.
I miss her and think of her frequently. Here is the poem I wrote for her last year.
Stolen Grace
Show me a picture of Christiana
I'll show you
Stolen grace
Show me that
Dancing, smiling
Goofy girl
That classic beauty
My dear departed friend
Josh Sleeper fell in love with
And couldn't live without
I saw him hanging
In her conscience
As she spiraled out
And prayed for days
When she could
Walk and talk and laugh
Through fields of flowers
At peace again
With him
How could one deranged
On a whim
Such an amazing spirit
As that funny girl
Full of life
We once knew
That brazen fearless woman
She grew up to be
I want her here now
She should be dancing
Right here beside me
Her brilliant smile
Warming those around
I remember her shining essence
And long for the grace of her presence
So show me a picture of Christiana
And I'll show you
Stolen grace
Show me that
Dancing, smiling
Goofy girl
That classic beauty
I remember her shining essence
And long for the grace of her presence
Show me a picture of Christiana
I'll show you
Stolen grace
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