Friday, December 2, 2016


After quite some time now, it looks like the modeling bug has returned. Bringing the miniature world of 1/87 scale to life is not something I have completely abandoned.

In this newest of postings, I'd like to show a few things that kick started my journey back. Venturing back into the archives here would produce quite a few of the Roco Zis-5 piece that I have explained the details of, most important of which is that it is the same, exact truck as the Autocar Dispatch of the early 1930's.  The first of these that I show today is a tanker. The tanker body is a resin casting from a company in Eastern Europe that created it specifically for the Roco model. Added to the tanker body was the utility cabinet on the back from Jordan Miniatures and a hanging bucket. I need to inform any that have admired the Jordan line that unfortunately the owner has passed away. And what makes this terrible news to the modeler is that is was his wish that his casting molds be destroyed. Prayers go out to his family.

I follow this with another Autocar Dispatch and again, I have enlisted a Jordan part, that of the stake bed. A very highly detailed piece and I'm sorry not to have many more of them left. Not a lot more to say about this model except for the working truck weathering. 

Next is a wholly Jordan piece in the Ford Model TT in a tanker. The tanker body coming from the Jordan Ford Model AA (possibly my favorite Jordan).

Lastly, I would like to show what is without any doubt my absolute favorite model kit. This Mack FK came in cast resin kit form from Ralph Ratcliffe Models. William there has produced super high quality model parts in both fit and finish to give the 1/87 community an outstanding piece. All that was added to the kit was a winch, also from Ratcliffe models. I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

So thank you for taking the time to look, I hope you enjoyed. 
To close, I would like to express my thanks to my very best friend and the person with whom I am sharing my work and leisure. The wonderful and lovely Debra. Thank you for your company and encouragement!

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